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If you need help with our apps and services, artificial intelligence can help you find a solution to your problem

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How to properly ask questions

Be more specific in your request. Please specify in which application the problem was detected, what it is and in what place.

Be sure to include the name of the application or service the question is about.

Do not ask about the services of other companies. Artificial intelligence will advise you to contact their support service and inform you that we cannot fix their mistakes.

If you want to find a solution to a specific problem not related to our services, please use the search engine.

Ask the question in the language of your choice otherwise the percentage of correct answers will decrease.

Information Our support service based on Artificial Intelligence. Human involvement is minimal, but problems are still addressed and resolved by humans. Critical updates will be released quickly. If the AI cannot answer a question, it will be reviewed by a human and the answer base will be continuously updated as new problems arise.

You can install the support app from our store.

Our support is also available from mobile devices: tablets, phones, TVs and cars.

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